Resilience and economic empowerment programs

Resilience and economic empowerment programs

Our Resilience Program focuses on building resilience and economic empowerment in Somalia, particularly targeting marginalized communities, women, and youth. The program consists of several key components:

  1. Economic Resilience Through Financial Inclusion: Establishing women’s microfinance groups and Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) groups to provide access to financial services and promote a culture of saving and financial planning. Comprehensive training in financial literacy is provided to empower participants to make informed financial decisions and manage resources effectively.
  2. Water Resource Management and Rehabilitation: Rehabilitating and constructing water infrastructure to ensure clean and accessible water for human and livestock consumption. The program includes innovative rainwater harvesting techniques and the construction of storage facilities to mitigate the impacts of erratic rainfall patterns and ensure water availability during scarcity. The program also promotes water conservation practices within communities.
  3. Women, Youth, and Gender Equality: Providing financial literacy training, input support, and market linkages to enhance the economic resilience of women and youth. The program also focuses on promoting the political participation of women and youth to ensure their inclusion in the country’s political, social, and economic spheres.
  4. Agriculture and Livelihood: Improving access to food through sustainable agriculture by providing training and input distribution for smallholder farmers and livestock treatment. This initiative aims to diversify income sources, ensure resilience to shocks, and reduce vulnerability.