Emergency Response Programs

Emergency Response Programs

HoD’s Emergency Response Program in Somalia is committed to addressing the urgent needs of women, girls, boys, and men during crises. Our approach is rooted in under- standing the local context to avoid unintended negative consequences and promote long-term recovery and resilience. We are designed to address the immediate needs of vulnerable communities while fostering long-term resilience and sustainable develop- ment. The program focuses on five key sectors:

  1. Emergency Water, Sanitization, & Hygiene (WASH) Response: We improve access to clean water through infrastructure rehabilitation & new installations. Community members receive hygiene promotion training, enhancing local capaci- ty in hygiene management.
  2. Emergency Cash and Voucher Response: Cash and vouchers are provided to ensure vulnerable populations can access food and essential items, preventing the use of negative coping mechanisms and supporting livelihood recovery.
  3. Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Item (NFI) Response: We provide emergency shelter and household items to newly displaced individuals, prioritizing their digni- ty, privacy, and protection.
  4. Emergency Protection Response: HoD offers protection support to vulnerable groups, especially women and children, through awareness campaigns, legal aid, capacity building, and safe space creation.
  5. Emergency Health and Nutrition Response: Targeting children under five, preg- nant and lactating mothers, and the elderly, our health & nutrition response aims to reduce mortality and morbidity rates through integrated health interventions.